Brian Weavel of Anna's Pizza & Pasta

Brian has owned Anna's Pizza & Pasta in Winnebago, IL for more than 23 years.  Being a Small Business Owner, he has built a solid reputation on being real and supporting others, not being afraid to make a difference in life. Through his work at Anna's, he devotes his time to being a community leader creating dozens of fundraisers for the school system, families in need, youth sports, etc.  He coaches and sponsors Youth Sports.  He works hard to make a difference and has been recognized as the Winnebago Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year twice, Citizen of the Year, Pizza Judge of The International Pizza Expo, Recipient of the Compassion Award through Green Bay Packers Legend Ahman Green Foundation, Featured Nationally by United States Chamber of Commerce, Guest Editor In Chief of Pizza Today Magazine, Speaker at the International Pizza Expo, Speaker at the Midwest Foodservice Expo, Small Business Blog Contributor to Carol Roth and The Guest on the set of The Small Business Revolution.

What do you do and why do you do it?
I do these things because I believe in community.  I have this phrase that I use "I Stand In Your Success."  I feel if you truly Stand in the success of others in your community, they will Stand in your success.  Community is so important to me.

How does what you do benefit others?   The things that I able to do with Anna's as a Small Business benefits the community as a whole.  Through our 23 years in Winnebago, Anna's has raised over $250,000 for charity!  That's amazing for a town of under 3000 people.

Describe your career journey and how it led you to where you are now.

My journey started a long time ago, I've worked in the Pizza Industry since I was 16, have owned Anna's for the last 23 years and now  I'm (a very young, lol) 49. That's a lot of years in the industry . I enjoy the Pizza Industry and It has allowed me to do a lot of great things in my community.  I have learned to be a leader in my town. 

What are your goals?

My business goals are simple:  Increase sales and continue to make a difference.  My personal goals are to watch my two children succeed in life and enter the college that gives them their best opportunity in life.

What are your inspirations?

I am inspired by making a difference in people's lives.  Over the years I have employed well over 150 of the local youth.  Watching them learn and grow then become great citizens themselves is inspiring.  Having past employees come back and say to me "I learned a lot from you!" is one heck of a measure of success!  My Biggest inspiration is my wife.   She works with sick children.  She has taught me the meaning of life and it's not about money!

If you could have one superpower to help you further your purpose, what would it be and why? How would you use it? 

My Superpower would have to be The Invisible man.  Being invisible could let me analyze people and situations, then act accordingly.  Being invisible could allow be to intervene in some bad situations that people are in.