Jaine Lopez, CEO of Y L C T Foundation and Miss Planetary!

Icons In The Now would like to highlight the Chicagoland Pageant hero, Jaine Lopez. She is a phenomenal entrepreneur, businesswoman and philanthropist who has been creating opportunities in the area for several disadvantaged groups of people to receive love in various forms of charity, community service and mentorship! She has had a successful career in corporate America for many years, yet decided that it wasn't enough. Thus, she got into the nonprofit work.

Her biography is moving! 
"In March of 2014, Jaine founded her first entertainment company, 
"Your Life Concert Time", into a wonderful Foundation and Non-Profit
501 (c) 3, which sponsors the annual, "Miss Planetary Scholarship Pageant" in 2019 one a huge scale at the Daley Plaza in Downtown Chicago.YOUR LIVE CONCERT TIME is all about raising awareness on Social and Environmental Issues through our charity events and initiatives. The Miss Planetary Scholarship Pageant will soon be creating an exuberant atmosphere of beauty, community  and a respect for our environment and it's people."

The charities that she contributes to are the following:

Every year, participants from  Y.L.C.T, along with donations through the American Red Cross , help to support "Feed My Starving Children, natural disasters in different countries. 

Blue Ribbon Fundraiser
Every month of April Y.L.C.T, organizes the BLUE RIBBON event  in honor of Child Abuse Prevention month and bring joy to our children.

Roberto Marin New Wheelchair Drive
Y.L.C.T dedicated an afternoon of support and awareness and raised funds to purchase a new Wheelchair for Roberto.

YLCT Community Toy Drive
Every year, Y.L.C.T welcomes toy and monetary donations for our annual toy drive. Toys, Gifts and Gift cards are given to  hundreds of less fortunate children living in homeless shelters, in the IL areas to help children enjoy a little Christmas.
We also invite families to come out and take a holiday photo with Santa.

Educating-The-Public About SMA
 YLCT SMA Division will be conducting massive SMA Community Awareness Events. Please
assist us as we work very hard in bringing joy to
SMA victims around the world.